Competition Management Committee


To provide a network of competition managers and secretaries to promote quality and compliant dressage competitions.


  1. Provide competition management education.
  2. Increase the number and quality of recognized competitions.
  3. Review and communicate US Equestrian rule change proposals.
  4. Provide the appropriate tools and processes for successful competitions.
  5. Strengthen the communication between Competition Management Council and other councils, as well as the USDF office staff.


  1. Continue to promote the Mentor Program as a resource for new managers and secretaries.
  2. Identify additional means to make education accessible to competition management.
  3. Review and address COVID-19 related issues experienced by competition management.


Position Region Name & Email Phone Fax
Chair 6 Marinea C St. Amand (360) 929-2601 (360) 240-4535
Vice Chair 2 Kevin Bradbury (734) 426-2111 (734) 426-3111
Liaison 2 Elena Sandidge (859) 271-7896 (859) 971-7722
Member 1 Andrea Danielle Davenport (703) 402-0507
Member 2 Kathryn Grisolia (631) 338-6340 (859) 554-4113
Member 3 Debra J Reinhardt (203) 264-2148 (203) 264-0086
Member 3 Carlie Evans (352) 215-0710 (352) 493-2000
Member 5 Heather Elizabeth Petersen (719) 338-0854 (303) 648-3164
Member 6 Michael Lee Taylor (208) 637-2755
Member 7 Regina Antonioli (805) 306-1885
Member 8 Anita Jaffe (518) 796-8899
Member 9 Marilyn Kulifay (713) 861-0761